Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney and illustrated by Anita Jeram
How do you measure love? Is it from the top of your head to the ends of your toes? The height you can jump. Or all the colours you can think of? Can you count it on your fingers or map it in the stars?
Guess How Much I Love You has been enchanting readers of all ages for more than two decades, an enduring classic about the ways that sometimes the things that matter most are larger, wider and deeper than we can fathom.
This is a familiar tale to many of the children and we have been celebrating Love this week with Valentine’s Day on Monday. During the story, the children have joined in seeing how high they can stretch their arms and how high they can hop and jump. We have learned how to say ‘I love you’ in Makaton and other members of the family, mum, dad, brother and sister.
The children have been making cards and flowers using their imagination and creative skills and have had lots of fun playing with some pink and red sparkly playdough.
We have also been using our kindness hearts at playgroup to give to each other if someone feels sad, or to say sorry when we cannot find our words.